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Class Notes
1. Vocabulary:
Importance: Every word spoken in class is meticulously recorded to ensure comprehensive vocabulary acquisition.
Benefits: Students have access to an extensive list of words covered in class, facilitating vocabulary retention and expansion.
Pedagogical Value: Encourages active engagement with new vocabulary and supports language acquisition at all proficiency levels.
Student’s Role
1. Review the vocabulary taught in the latest class;
2. Look up the words you don’t remember in the English-English dictionary; and
3. Use the first minutes of the next class to clear up any doubts.
2. Pronunciation:
Importance: Pronunciation mistakes are noted and explained with audio samples from native English speakers.
Benefits: Helps students identify and correct pronunciation errors, leading to clearer communication and improved fluency.
Pedagogical Value: Provides targeted feedback on pronunciation to enhance speaking skills and increase confidence in oral communication.
Student’s Role
1. Ask your teacher or go to an Online Dictionary to check the correct pronunciation – American or British, as you like.
3. Language Usage:
Importance: Teaches students how to communicate naturally in English, beyond grammar and translation.
Benefits: Enhances students’ communication skills by focusing on language usage, cultural nuances, and real-life experiences in English-speaking countries.
Pedagogical Value: Develops students’ ability to express themselves effectively and authentically in various contexts.
Student’s Role
The manner routinely used by native English speakers is not always resolved with simple translation, so in this section the teacher writes down all the relevant phrases for you to communicate properly according to their written and spoken variations. These collective habits of those who have English as their first language are not recorded in dictionaries and are more easily identified by people who live in English-speaking countries or who, like us, even living abroad, experience English every day.
4. Idiomatic Expressions:
Importance: Introduces students to common idiomatic expressions and phrases used in everyday English.
Benefits: Expands students’ repertoire of language resources, allowing them to communicate more fluently and naturally.
Pedagogical Value: Encourages cultural immersion and fosters a deeper understanding of idiomatic language usage in context.
Student’s Role
Try to find the equivalent expression in your local language, without using mere translation as a crutch. For example, in French “physique de rôle” is a consolidated expression that the literal translation will not encompass the entire cultural and historical context around it. Try doing the reverse way with “you ain’t shit”, “he is the shit”, “stop shitting on me”, etc.
5. In-Depth Grammatical Explanations:
Importance: Provides comprehensive explanations of grammar rules and structures covered in class.
Benefits: Clarifies complex grammatical concepts and helps students understand how to use them accurately in their own speech and writing.
Pedagogical Value: Supports language learning by addressing grammar-related challenges and promoting grammatical accuracy.
Student’s Role
Option A. Print the grammar exercises and do them.
Option B. Ask for the equivalent online quiz.
6. Reading and Comprehension Activities:
Importance: Offers reading passages and comprehension questions to develop students’ reading skills and comprehension abilities.
Benefits: Improves students’ reading fluency, comprehension, and critical thinking skills while exposing them to authentic English texts.
Pedagogical Value: Encourages active engagement with written texts and promotes independent reading and comprehension.
Student’s Role
Read the text and answer the questions.
7. Writing and Composition Practice:
Importance: Provides opportunities for students to practice writing and composing texts in English.
Benefits: Enhances students’ writing skills, creativity, and expression, allowing them to communicate effectively in written form.
Pedagogical Value: Supports language development by providing structured writing practice and feedback on written assignments.
Student’s Role
1. Read the question command and write the first version of the text accordingly;
2. Take a look at the corrected version of your text and read the teacher’s observations to improve your next draft;
3. Assimilate the instructions and write down the “Second Draft”;
4. Receive corrections and create your “Final Draft”.
8. Listening Exercises and Podcast Analysis:
Importance: Includes listening exercises and analysis of podcasts to improve students’ listening comprehension skills.
Benefits: Develops students’ ability to understand spoken English in various contexts and accents.
Pedagogical Value: Encourages active listening and helps students develop strategies for effective listening comprehension.
Student’s Role
1. Review last class’ answer key and audio transcription;
2. Download the new podcast and listen to it;
3. Answer the questions.
9. Speaking:
Importance: Provides tailored feedback on phonetic discrepancies and pronunciation inaccuracies to improve students’ speaking abilities.
Benefits: Helps students refine their pronunciation, intonation, and overall speaking fluency.
Pedagogical Value: Supports oral communication skills development by addressing specific areas of improvement and providing targeted guidance.
Student’s Role
10. Homework Assignments:
Importance: Assigns homework tasks to reinforce learning, practice skills, and extend classroom lessons.
Benefits: Allows students to apply what they have learned in class, deepen their understanding, and develop independence in their language learning journey.
Pedagogical Value: Reinforces learning objectives, promotes self-directed learning, and provides opportunities for further skill development outside of class.
11. Academic, Linguistic, and Literature References:
Importance: Provides additional resources, references, and materials for further exploration and study.
Benefits: Expands students’ knowledge and understanding of English language and literature, fostering intellectual curiosity and academic growth.
Pedagogical Value: Supports students’ academic and linguistic development by exposing them to diverse texts, authors, and scholarly works.
By understanding how the Class Notes work, you will extract the maximum protection of each lesson, as we showcase the value of Academia BSB’s ESL classes. This detailed approach demonstrates our commitment to providing comprehensive and effective language instruction based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) curriculum and best practices.
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6. Atividades de leitura e compreensão:
Importância: Oferece passagens de leitura e questões de compreensão para desenvolver as habilidades de leitura e compreensão dos alunos.
Benefícios: Melhora a fluência de leitura, a compreensão e as habilidades de pensamento crítico dos alunos, ao mesmo tempo que os expõe a textos autênticos em inglês.
Valor Pedagógico: Incentiva o envolvimento ativo com textos escritos e promove leitura e compreensão independentes.
Papel do Aluno
Leia o texto e responda as questões.
7. Prática de Escrita e Composição:
Importância: Oferece oportunidades para os alunos praticarem a escrita e composição de textos em inglês.
Benefícios: Melhora as habilidades de escrita, criatividade e expressão dos alunos, permitindo-lhes se comunicar de forma eficaz por escrito.
Valor Pedagógico: Apoia o desenvolvimento do idioma, fornecendo prática de redação estruturada e feedback sobre tarefas escritas.
8. Exercícios de escuta e análise de podcast:
Importância: Inclui exercícios de audição e análise de podcasts para melhorar as habilidades de compreensão auditiva dos alunos.
Benefícios: Desenvolve a capacidade dos alunos de compreender o inglês falado em vários contextos e sotaques.
Valor Pedagógico: Incentiva a escuta ativa e ajuda os alunos a desenvolver estratégias para uma compreensão auditiva eficaz.
Papel do Aluno
1. Confira o gabarito e a transcrição do áudio da última aula;
2. Baixe e ouça o novo podcast temático;
3. Responda às novas perguntas.
9. Melhorando a Pronúncia:
Importância: Fornece feedback personalizado sobre discrepâncias fonéticas e imprecisões de pronúncia para melhorar as habilidades de fala dos alunos.
Benefícios: Ajuda os alunos a refinar a pronúncia, a entonação e a fluência geral da fala.
Valor Pedagógico: Apoia o desenvolvimento de habilidades de comunicação oral, abordando áreas específicas de melhoria e fornecendo orientação direcionada.
Papel do Aluno
10. Dever de casa:
Importância: Atribui tarefas de lição de casa para reforçar o aprendizado, praticar habilidades e ampliar as aulas em sala de aula.
Benefícios: Permite que os alunos apliquem o que aprenderam em sala de aula, aprofundem sua compreensão e desenvolvam independência em sua jornada de aprendizagem do idioma.
Valor Pedagógico: Reforça os objetivos de aprendizagem, promove a aprendizagem autodirigida e oferece oportunidades para maior desenvolvimento de habilidades fora da sala de aula.
Papel do Aluno
Leia o texto e responda as questões.
11. Referências acadêmicas, linguísticas e literárias:
Importância: Fornece recursos, referências e materiais adicionais para exploração e estudo adicionais.
Benefícios: Amplia o conhecimento e a compreensão dos alunos sobre a língua e a literatura inglesas, estimulando a curiosidade intelectual e o crescimento acadêmico.
Valor Pedagógico: Apoia o desenvolvimento acadêmico e linguístico dos alunos, expondo-os a diversos textos, autores e trabalhos acadêmicos.
Papel do Aluno
Leia o texto e responda as questões.
Ao entender como funcionam as Class Notes, você extrairá o máximo de proteção de cada aula, pois mostramos o valor das aulas de ESL da Academia BSB. Esta abordagem detalhada demonstra o nosso compromisso em fornecer ensino de línguas abrangente e eficaz com base no currículo e nas melhores práticas do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (QECRL).